How Oral Health Impacts The Mother And Baby’S Health? How To Protect Baby Teeth?


    How Oral Health Impacts The Mother And Baby’S Health? How To Protect Baby Teeth?

    Every couple has a dream in their lives to settle and have babies, and they also want to enjoy the span of nine months, where a little embryo turns into an infant. But due to some health and genetic issues, they are not able to conceive naturally. There they take the help of IVF (In vitro fertilization), In which the early fertilisation process takes place outside the body. After performing the fertilization in the lab embryo is transferred to the uterus for further growth of the baby. All these steps are performed in a specially designed IVF Centre in Punjab, as you easily spot one in every city. 

    To carry out the IVF procedure, first the embryologist checks the body correctly from the inside out and examines the body from the inside. Laparoscopy Surgery in Ludhiana is performed in every IVF centre as well as wherever you visit to know about the condition of fallopian tubes and uterus as the organs are ready to carry a baby or not. 

    To see a women’s urinary tract and issues related to a women’s pregnancy are specially checked by a qualified and certified Gynaecologist who has a piece of proper knowledge about the procedure of diagnosing and treating various conditions a pregnant lady can face. 

    Taking care of the oral health of pregnant women is essential because?

    Pregnant women are more prone to periodontal (gum) disease and is vital to maintain oral hygiene of the mouth. If you ignore taking care of your gums, they can result in poor health outcomes for the mother and baby. Taking care of gums during pregnancy is essential to keep cavities away from the mother and child after birth. 

    How periodontal disease affects mother and child? 

    During the pregnancy, if the mother that gingivitis, an infection in which bacteria buildups in the form of plaque and tartar in the gums which further weakens the layers of tissue and leads to bone loss during periodontal disease, the gums appear red and swollen due to change in hormones which lead to inflammation. A large number of pregnant women face this situation of periodontitis.  

    How are pregnant women more likely to have dental cavities? 

    • One of the main reasons is that most women crave sweetness or extreme spiciness during pregnancy. These bad eating habits, in most cases, become the reason for cavities when they do not get proper care and their teeth are not cleaned properly. 
    • Most women, after pregnancy, also lead these untreated cavities from their gums to their child’s gums after birth. It is necessary to get them treated on time, and proper cleaning of teeth and gums is essential. 
    • It is proven that mothers who have cavities and periodontal disease for a long span of time their child also like to have one, and their oral hygiene is also poor as compared to other children who have healthy oral hygiene. 
    • This further affects the early stages of childhood of the children as they have to miss school because of dental pain in the gums and teeth.  

    What type of care does tiny teeth need? 

    Every specialist, may it be a pediatric, primary care health provider, or maternity doctor, will suggest taking care of the infant’s gums carefully to prevent pediatric periodontal disease. 

    Firstly, The mother of the child ensures that she does not have any dental cavities and only then serves the food tasted by her to his child.

    She can read articles and take advice from good pediatric doctors for a child’s better dental health. This can suggest to her how to keep young infants’ oral hygiene healthy. In this case, Any type of ignorance can pay higher.