Causes of Molar Teeth Pain


    Causes of Molar Teeth Pain

    You will have different sets of molars at different ages. When you’re between the age of  6 and 12, you will get your first and second molars. You will get your third molars (better known as your wisdom teeth) between the ages of 17 and 30.

    Molar pain can strike you at any age. It will range from dull to sharp. It may also be experienced in one place or throughout the entire mouth.

    It is preferable to see your dentist find and treat the cause of the pain. Of course, you can prevent molar pain by following a good dental hygiene routine and visiting the dental clinic for regular dental check-ups.

    Molar pain symptoms

    Molar pain may be limited to a single molar or may surround one or more molars. The  symptoms of molar pain will vary with the cause but it usually includes:

    • headache
    • fever
    • pain while  chewing food 
    • pain near the  ear
    • tenderness near your jaw
    • throbbing in your jaw
    • Causes of molar teeth pain
    • Cold or heat sensitivity

    If your tooth enamel has worn away, you will experience increased sensitivity to cold and heat. This is because the deeper layers of the tooth with nerves become exposed. The same kind of sensitivity can also be caused by tooth decay, gum disease, broken teeth, and old fillings.

    If your molars feel sensitive to temperature changes on a short term basis, toothpaste formulated for sensitive teeth can help.

    Tooth abscess

    An abscess occurs due to an infection arising out of untreated tooth decay. The abscess may be near the molar’s root or the gum line. An abscess may develop due to tooth decay, injury in the tooth, or due to some dental work. It often appears as a pus-filled pocket. Treatment includes a root canal or surgery to make the infected area free of infection. You may have to put a crown over your molar after the procedure.

    Tooth decay and pulpitis

    Cavities may occur in your molars if you have poor dental hygiene. A molar with a cavity will make you feel a sharp pain and throbbing sensation. Pulpitis is the condition of inflammation inside your teeth due to cavities. It can lead to a bacterial infection and should be treated before it causes damage to your tooth or mouth permanently.

    Damage caused by cavities needs proper treatment in the form of a filling, crown, or root canal. Pulpitis may also require your dental cleanout by the dentist followed by treatment for infection and resealing.