जानिए दांतों में सेंस्टिविटी के लिए कौन-से कारण है जिम्मेदार है ?0On September 1, 2023September 4, 2023By Dr. Bikramjit Singh DhillonIn Hindi, Sensitivity अगर व्यक्ति के दांतों में झनझनाहट की समस्या उत्पन्न हो जाए तो उसके लिए किसी भी चीज का स्वाद मिल...
Oral health: Is tooth sensitivity one of the common signs of a cavity?0On May 6, 2022May 6, 2022By Dr. Bikramjit Singh DhillonIn Sensitivity Tooth cavity and Sensitivity: Is there any relation between the two? The cavity is one of the most common tooth...
Tooth problems: What to do is you are experiencing sensitivity in your teeth?0On July 7, 2020July 8, 2020By Dr. Bikramjit Singh DhillonIn dentist, Sensitivity Other stuff, like sweet and sour products or even cold weather, can also cause them worse. This allows you to...
Different Treatments for Sensitive Teeth0On February 27, 2020March 2, 2020By Dr. Bikramjit Singh DhillonIn Sensitivity Summertime means, time to enjoy your favorite cold drink and having a scoop of our favorite ice cream. But, if...