Dental implant procedure demand has increased a lot because of its success rate. Getting a dental implant is a great way to replace the missing tooth and increase your self-confidence. If the dental implants are placed carefully and taken care of on time, they are going to last for a long time.
- Visit the dental clinic for your follow-up appointment
You need to make sure that you visit the dental clinic for the follow-up appointment to ensure that your oral health is not impacted. Make sure that you are following the doctor’s instructions and pay close attention to your hygiene routine. By doing so, it will keep the surgical site clean, and you will be comfortable throughout the recovery.
- Follow a proper oral care regime
Following a proper oral care regime ensures the healing goes smoothly. You need to do brushing and flossing daily to keep your teeth strong & healthy. You should at least brush for 2 minutes to take care of your teeth. Additionally, take over-the-counter antiseptic or special prescription mouth rinse to use after every meal and before you sleep. It plays an important role in preventing bacterial infection, and food particles are removed carefully.
- Avoid strenuous workout regime
You should not indulge yourself in any type of strenuous regime or highly aerobic activity that can affect dental implant surgery. If you lift, bend, and exercise it is going to increase the blood pressure and lead to bleeding. Without proper blood clotting, the healing process will take the time or you won’t be getting the results you want to see. Make sure you follow the dentist’s instructions on when you can resume the regular activities.
- Follow a proper diet
Diet is an important part of dental implant recovery. While you are recovering your body needs to have the right amount of nutrients and fluids. You need to follow a soft-varied diet which is balanced with lots of water and make sure to include the essential nutrients which help you recover on time and your body can fight with the infections.
- Do not smoke
Dental implants are not a reliable choice for patients who smoke. If they won’t undergo the procedure then they need to abstain from smoking. If you smoke before or during the recovery phase, then the healing process is impacted which impacts the blood flow in the mouth.
The smoke heat will lead to an oral-burn syndrome which damages the soft and bone tissue. If you smoke then the chances of inflammation and swelling increase.
- Get regular cleaning and dental exams
Along with the follow-up appointments you need to visit the dentist for regular cleaning and dental examination. By doing so, it ensures that your teeth and soft tissues are healthy. If you develop gum disease, then the dentist can suggest you control the condition and prevent it from affecting the implants.