Dental Implants VS Dental Bridges


    Dental Implants VS Dental Bridges

    Dental implants and dental bridges are both solutions for a missing tooth or teeth. The aesthetic dental solutions are both conducted by an orthodontic specialist at Ludhiana dental centre after necessary evaluation.

    The evaluation process includes ascertaining one’s oral and general health to provide the best dental solutions ever. The best dentist in Ludhiana will move ahead to plan the treatment or surgical procedure conveniently without compromising with the dental health.

    The Similarity of Dental implants & Dental Bridges

    Both are dental replacement procedures that mimic the exact appearance of the natural teeth. Much as there is a huge difference between the two in terms of procedure and cost, dental implants and bridges offer ultimate solutions to missing teeth in the case of an accident or an oral health issue.

    They both promote the dental health of a patient much as dental bridges may not last a lifetime.

    The difference between dental implants and bridges, plus the similarity

    The surgical procedure of dental implants is comprehensive and both the dentist and the patient must cooperate on a higher level to make the treatment successful.

    A dental implant is a small titanium cylinder which is placed in the jawbone at the exact site of a missing tooth or teeth. This titanium cylinder is meant to bond with the natural bone tissue to create an artificial root. An abutment and a crown or termed as an artificial tooth will be placed to complete the appearance of a natural tooth.

    On the other side, dental bridges are crowns placed on the natural teeth on either side of the gap. The dental bridges are only used to cover the gap in the mouth, but aren’t fixed into the jaw.

    Advantages and Disadvantages of the above dental solutions

    Before you attain dental bridges or dental implant treatment in Ludhiana, you and your dentist will have to first discuss the pros and cons of both the dental solutions. Some of them include;

    Advantages of Dental Implants

    • Dental implants are branded as a permanent solution to missing teeth with the fact that they can last over 22 years once excellently fixed
    • They promote oral health and specifically, they promote bone preservation
    • Dental implants help to keep the bone strong and healthy
    • There are no worries in terms of bite, smile, chewing, and other functions of the natural teeth
    • Once a good evaluation is conducted, dental implants are a perfect solution to missing teeth

    Advantages of Dental Bridges

    • They are less costly
    • Can be selected for aesthetic reasons
    • They are easy and fast to install

    Disadvantages of Dental Implants

    • Dental implant treatment is a lengthy procedure that almost requires 4 dental visits to the dentist’s office
    • There are chances of failure in case poorly fixed which may result in numerous dental problems
    • They require a longer recovery period

    Disadvantages of Dental Bridges

    • Most crowns require replacement after 6 to 10 years
    • They can lead to repositioning of the bone tissue
    • They can weaken the adjacent teeth