Different Procedures For The Teeth Whitening Treatment


    Different Procedures For The Teeth Whitening Treatment

    Tooth whitening is the technique to remove stains and discoloration from the teeth. Whitening is the most famous cosmetic surgery that is used to improve your looks. Brightening your smile is easy as visiting your dentist for the teeth whitening treatment. You can also choose home-based treatment. There are numbers of the oral hygiene are available in the market like whitening toothpaste, mouthwash, whitening pens, strips or trays etc.

    Teeth whitening is not the one-time procedure. This therapy is done from time to time if you want to maintain the brighter color.

    Why is teeth whitening treatment required?

    The outer layer of the tooth is commonly known as enamel. The color of the natural teeth is created by the reflection and the scattering of light. This also requires the specialist skills of the dentist. The best dental clinic in Ludhiana will provide you with the best teeth whitening treatment. The genes of the person also affect the thickness and smoothness of the enamel. Thinner enamel is responsible for showing more of the color of the dentin. Rougher enamel affects the reflection of the light. Hence the color is also affected.

    What are the reasons of teeth to get yellowish or stained?

    • If the person is using Tobacco, then there are more chances of getting your teeth yellowish.

      Other factors are drinking dark-coloured liquids like coffee, cola, tea and red wine.

      Another factor is if you are not taking care of your teeth properly.

      Sometimes, ageing makes your teeth less bright. This is because of the thinner of the enamel and dentin becomes darker.

    How is the teeth whitening treatment in Ludhiana performed?

    There are two types of the whitening procedures are:

    • Vital whitening:

      This treatment is performed on the live nerves.

      This is the most common type of the whitening treatment that is applied directly to the tooth surface. In this treatment, hydrogen peroxide is used.

      This is done in the dentist clinic. The dentist will use more powerful whitening gel. Specialized laser activities are performed on the teeth to activate the gel and it also allows bleaching to happen faster.

      The whitening process takes 30 to 90 minutes. You also require 1 to 3 appointments. The numbers of the appointment are dependent upon the factors like the method used, how severe the stains are and how white teeth you want to be.

      The dentist will apply some substance that acts as a protective shield to protect your teeth. Then, the whitening agent is applied.

      Non-vital whitening:

      This treatment may not improve the appearance of the tooth.

      This treatment is done for those people who do root canal treatment because the stain is coming from the inside of the tooth.

      In this case, your doctor will adopt the different procedure to whiten the tooth from the inside.

      He will use whitening agent inside the tooth, then do temporary filling over it. Then your tooth was left for several days.

      This may do only once or it can be repeated until it reaches to the desired shade.