Understanding the risk factors of Cavities


    Understanding the risk factors of Cavities

    Cavities are the decayed parts of your teeth; they look like tiny holes in the teeth. Cavities are caused when your teeth’s hard outer layer, called enamel, wears down due to acid formation in your mouth. Cavities are a widespread problem affecting a lot of people nowadays. Acknowledging the risk factors associated with cavities is essential to prevent damage to your teeth and keep them in good health. 


    One of the significant risk factors related to the cavities is dry mouth. Salvia produced by the mouth helps balance the acid built by the bacteria in the mouth, washing away the extra food particles in the mouth and keeping your teeth healthy. The second main reason for cavities, which are commonly found in kids and teenagers especially, is consuming many sugary food items. Consuming too many sugary items, such as drinks, sods, cereals, and ice creams etc, increases the emergence of acid by the bacteria in the mouth, and continued attacks of acid damage the enamel layer of the teeth. Thirdly, maintaining poor oral health, such as not being consistent with brushing your teeth, allows the formation of plaque, a sticky form of bacteria that evokes acid formation and affects oral health. If you are also facing the problem of cavities in your teeth, then we suggest you consult our experienced doctor, Dr Bikramjit Singh Dhillon from Ludhiana Dental Centre.