Are you constantly worried about your kids? Indeed! Being a parent is what most of them go through. Ensuring their...
Category: <span>Dental Care</span>

Why is acute facial swelling a concern? Why does it need dentist assistance?
Have you ever heard about facial infections? The facial infection is the reason for tooth infection or its nearby area....

How are eating disorders known for affecting the mouth? What to do?
Eating Disorders & Dental Health Eating Disorders are common and essential to be addressed on time. Having such a condition...

Everything you need to know about dental disease and hair loss
Dental Disease and Hair loss. Are you thinking, ‘How can these problems be related?’ But, these health issues are indeed...

Suggestion To Maximize Patient Satisfaction And Build A Successful Clinic
Competition is almost in every field including a dental practice. How you manage to outshine others and maintain your brand...

How can we maintain oral hygiene in the winters as well?
No sooner than the colder days start approaching ahead, we all start prepping for it. The winter clothes come at...

Make Your Teeth Aware Of The Best Friends And Fake Friends
Dentist in Ludhiana believes that your teeth are what you eat. If you eat well, then your teeth are good....

Why should you prefer India for your dental treatment?
Increasing demand for medical treatment in India among International patients What’s your perspective about Indian culture, people, food, and life?...

Why Visit Ludhiana Dental Clinic For Regular Dental Checkups?
According to the dentist in Ludhiana, “Everything has Pros and Cons and so does the improvement in the lifestyle. The...

How To Maintain Dental Hygiene? How Often Should You Visit A Dentist?
If you want your dental health to not get compromised, then apart from following the daily cleanliness measures, you should...